Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Innocent Laughter medicines

My 3 yr old princess ordered before going to school that she wants her hair to be combed into 2 ponies to which I agreed instantly but was surprised as I had earlier tried it & she had been very firm with her “NO”. Anyways I was more than happy to make her ponies as one of the reason I wanted a girl was that we can dress them up & literally adorn them into different styles.
In the afternoon when I went to pick her up she was very happy & on the way back home she blushingly told me that she went & showed her new hairstyle to her friend ( a boy -of course) and he said “Aanya Soni Soni”( very beautiful). As usual I shared it with my husband & we enjoyed our evening tea with a crispy laugh. But that was not it next day morning the order was again repeated & this time she made the reason clear, I will go & show it to J & he will again say Aanya looking very nice.
There are so many of her cute & innocent saying which really make my day, even if for a short span, I forget all my tensions. I want to record all of these innocent humor so that when my kids grow up & are busy in their lives I will have these lovely laughter medicines. Almost every hour she produces one of her unique laughter remedies which are indeed so valuable to me.
Just today morning while I was taking her to school there was cow dung on the side of the road, (if you have been to India, you know its common here). My daughter observed it & said-”Mom look there is potty on road, this is not the place to do it, potty should be done at home, don’t they know this mama- outside home we go to school, we go for shopping not potty.”
Just yesterday my 8 yr old son was telling me, mom I & friend (but ofcourse a girl) wished how gud it would be if we are together in our college also.
Kids nowdays are so sharp & observant. Going back in our times we didn’t have this kind of thinking even when we were in our teens . Compared to today’s generation I think I was real dumbo.

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